
Mimarsinan and The New Nene Technology

Hasan Yılmaz Tokuş

Öğretim Üyesi Ober Enjenyör ve Bilim Adamı

تخيل اختراعًا جديدًا يشهد على التاريخ ويجمع بين الماضي والمستقبل

لقد استلهمنا ميمارسنان ووجدنا صيغة لحياة أفضل نتيجة ربع قرن من العمل على الاحتباس الحراري

يقدم لنا ميمارسنان أمام أعيننا مواده التي أنتجها منذ 460 عامًا، ونحن جاهزون بتقنيتنا لتقديم هذا المنتج إلى العالم أجمع

Nene Technology

Imagine a new invention, witnessing history, uniting the past and the future. Inspired by the spirit of Mimarsinan, we have found a formula for a better life due to a quarter century of work on global warming. Mimarsinan presents in our eyes his materials produced 460 years ago, and we are ready with our technology for your service.

Yeni bir buluş hayal edin, tarihe tanık olmuş, geçmişi ve geleceği birleştiren. Merhabalar Mimarsinan’ın ruhundan esinlenerek küresel ısınma hakkında bir çeyrek asır çalışmamız neticesinde daha iyi bir yaşam formülü bulduk. Mimarsinan 460 sene evvel yapmış olduğu malzemelere gözlerinizin önüne seriyor ve bunu tatbik etmek üzere teknolojimiz ile emrinizdeyiz.

Open Media Group

We are ready to provide professional media production and marketing services through Open Media Group.
We offer various services to our clients, including media coverage, documentary, short film production, and multimedia creation.
Additionally, we assist with visual identity building, website design, advertising, and social media management.

Contact us
Egypt: +201018371387
Türkiye: +905527563225

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